Reading Seminar on Perfectoid Spaces
Summer 2015
Supervisor: Kai-Wen Lan
Participants: Andrew Senger, Marshall Smith, and (only in August) Chen Wan
(In each day listed, there were about four to six hours of lectures given in turn by participants.)
- Jul 10: Overview
- Jul 14: Wedhorn's short introduction: sections 1–4
- Jul 15: Wedhorn's short introduction: sections 5–6; Wedhorn's notes: sections 1 and part of 2
- Jul 20: Wedhorn's notes: parts of sections 2 and 3
- Jul 22: Wedhorn's notes: parts of sections 4 and 5
- Jul 24: Scholze's paper: sections 2 and 3
- Jul 27: Wedhorn's notes: parts of sections 5 and 6
- Jul 29: Wedhorn's notes: parts of sections 6 and 7
- Jul 31: Wedhorn's notes: parts of sections 7 and 8
- Aug 3: Scholze's paper: section 4 and part of 5
- Aug 4: Wedhorn's notes: part of section 8
- Aug 6: Stacks Project's first 12 sections on homological algebra; Hartshorne's book chapter on derived categories
- Aug 10: Scholze's paper: parts of sections 5 and 6
- Aug 12: Scholze's paper: part of section 6; Wedhorn's notes: part of section 8: with Huber's book/paper on rigid geometry
- Aug 14: Wedhorn's notes: part of section 8: with Huber's book/paper on rigid geometry; Scholze's paper: part of section 7
- Aug 17: Scholze's paper: part of section 7: with Huber's book on etale cohomology; almost math: a flat & a fp <=> a proj & a fp, etc
- Aug 19: Huber's book on etale cohomology: limit of topos; almost math: cotangent complex, etc
- Aug 21: Almost math