My visitors at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

This is a list of academic visitors I have hosted at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (in reversed chronological order, including forthcoming ones), together with a list of titles and abstracts of the talks given by them. (I have omitted many visitors who were mainly invited by my colleagues or were academically too far away from me, even when I was also substantially involved in the hosting of them.)

Academic Year 2025–2026

Academic Year 2024–2025

Academic Year 2023–2024

Academic Year 2022–2023

Academic Year 2021–2022

Academic Year 2020–2021

Academic Year 2019–2020

Academic Year 2018–2019

Academic Year 2017–2018

Academic Year 2016–2017

Academic Year 2015–2016

Academic Years 2014–2015

Academic Year 2013–2014

Academic Year 2012–2013

These activities have been partially supported by an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (academic years 2014–2018), the NSF Grants DMS-1258962 (academic years 2012–2014) and DMS-1352216 (CAREER) (academic years 2014–2019), and the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed above do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding organizations.